Masiu proposes NBC-SILAG MoU to upskill staff

Thursday, 23 January 2025, 4:14 pm

DPRs from NBC's provincial centres convene at APEC Haus for the workshop. (Image: NBC News / Port Moresby)

A lack of managerial staff and skills at National Broadcasting Corporation provincial stations will soon be a thing of the past.

This will be through a proposed Memorandum of Understanding between NBC and the Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance to upskill provincial stations directors with managerial skills and knowledge.

Information Communication and Technology Minister Tomothy Masiu highlighted this at the 2025 NBC Business Plan Workshop in Port Moresby today.

"I have deliberately included SILAG as I have proposed to my colleague Minister Sungi to enter into a MoU to design a targeted course for NBC middle to senior managers to undertake," said Minister Masiu

"This will be a pathway for our DPRs and others to transition into management, both at the provincial and headquarter levels."

Masiu said as the organization moves forward there is much need for more staff to fill up executive level positions.

Minister Masiu highlighted plans to have middle and senior managers of NBC undergo training programs at SILAG.