Prime Minister James Marape has admitted that the national government is yet to fulfil its commitment to build proper highway connecting Gasmata to Kimbe Town.
The FOE Association is investing in the future of the Kutubu community by funding the construction of a new 4-in-1 double classroom at Tanuga Primary School in Lake Kutubu, Southern Highlands Province.
Students from Tubusereia Junior High School will benefit from a proposed information and communication technology laboratory, set to be built by the National Information and Communications Technology Authority [NICTA].
Paradise Private Hospital [PPH] has invested in state-of-the-art kidney dialysis and Transurethral resolution of the prostate [TURP] machines, expanding its healthcare offer in the country.
Prime Minister James Marape has welcomed the Penrith Panthers' support for Papua New Guinea’s NRL Deal, which aims to have a PNG-based team join the competition in 2028.