Road accident at Guo leaves one dead

A fatal road accident that occurred at Guo, near Kundiawa town yesterday had claimed the life of a 28-year-old man.
Simbu Provincial Police Commander Mazuc Rubiang told NBC News that the incident happened around 9pm, where a twin-steer truck went off the road, instantly killing the man.
Rubiang said the relatives of the deceased retaliated and blocked the Highlands Highway along Guo.
But, quick responds by police dismantled the roadblock allowing the free flow of traffic.
"With the police presence on the highway, the road is now open and free for commuting," said PPC Rubiang.
The Simbu PPC said the truck driver is under police custody with vehicle grounded at the Kundiawa police station waiting further investigation.
Assuring the safety of the general public travelling the highway,
Rubiang said a police Mobile and Task fForce unit will be positioned along this section of the highway to patrol the road and maintain commuting.
Meanwhile, the truck belongs to the ORO Spet Buai trucking company from Laiagam, Enga Province.