Pilot track to connect Gembogl and Asaro – an initiative of the Inaugl community

Locals and elites have dig down into their own pockets to raise K33,000 with seven diesel fuel drums to start work on building a pilot track-road that will connect two districts.
The people of Inaugl at Gembogl in the Kundiawa Gembogl District, Simbu and locals from Inagul Tribe living along the Eastern part of Gembogl area, have volunteered in piloting the road project to open up Kurakba Road, a traditional road link, that will reconnect with Eastern Highlands province through Daulo District.
The Kurakba road is a vital economical road and tourist destination, if opened for vehicle to travel.
The communities know the significance of the road, volunteering to contribute towards the initials work prior to government intervention.
The funds were put together by locals from communities of Inaugl, Mauglak, Kuglkane Tribe of Mitnande, Niglkande, Simbu Provincial Government, Kundiawa Gembogl District Administration and the Inaugls elites and business operators from Goroka, Lae, Port Moresby and Australia.

The construction of Bogu-nigle Top to Kowngi Village will be under the management of Inaugl Community Development Initiative, Kuraglba Civil Works and Nakane Sustainable Development Association.
Previously, the Inaugl Community Development Initiative raised K12,000 and constructed 1.6km road from Garimaulo village to Gambiyagl by local community contribution, which are willing to connect Gembogl Asaro District via Kuraglba grassland for economic benefits of Gembogl and PNG.
The Kuraglba road was a Traditional Track was used by ancestors for barter system that has traditional ties between Kowngi and Pompomeri people.
Community Leaders who congregated at Pombomer expressed concerns that the government, under the Connect PNG Program, or through the PIP Funds and DSIP should allocate some funds towards Kurakba Road Project.
Pastor John Kawagle, acting as the treasure of the projected commanded the locals for taking ownership, urging the need to transport their agriculture products to Goroka Market via this road.
“We have sealed road to Kundiawa, but others times, the road is blocked off from natural disasters and tribal fights….this access road will allow the people of Gembogl to sell out their products if the front road is blocked,” he said.
“Other importance of this road will be used for tourist to enjoy site scene of the unexplored sites along the road as part of the tourism attraction under the Nakane Sustainable Development Association objectives under Tourism and Conservation Program.”

Meanwhile, Mr Joe UlgKa, Deputy District Administrator for Kundiawa Gembogl, praised the communities for taking initiatives in starting a project that will cost millions of Kina for the government.
Mr Ulgka said, the Kundiawa Gembogl DDA is aware that funds from the National Government was allocated for Kurakba Road under PIP Funds through the Simbu Provincial Government.
He said, the DDA will follow-up on the money and find out how these funds were used.