Dapu primary in West Sepik remembers Grand Chief Somare

Dapu Primary School in Vanimo West Sepik Province has joined the rest of the country to commemorate the Remembrance Day of the PNG's Founding Father, the late Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare.
Students, Teachers, parents, and the community all gathered at the school ground where a monument of the late grand chief is built and laid wreaths to show their respect towards the founding father.
The program started with a walk by students and the community who marched from the Eastern and Western End of the school before entering the school for the program.
A short history and reflection stories of the late Grand Chief were made by teachers and community elders, poems were read by students and teachers, and the laying of wreaths and lighting of candles was made to commemorate the day.
For Dapu Primary School this is the 4th Anniversary they have observed as a school making them the only school in Vanimo and West Sepik Province to commemorate the late Grand Chief Sir Michael Somare's Remembrance Day.