Surrendering drugs for a new life chapter

Four drug addicts repented and received Jesus into their lives from a week-long crusade held at Kongra Village in Lower Nebilyer, Tambul Nebilyer District in Western Highlands.
The young men made their intentions known in front of the pastors of PNG Bible Church who organized this Nebilyer Crusade, the community leaders and the Inspector Jacob Kumin, Commander Sectoral Unit of Western Highlands Police.
Everywhere it's marijuana plants, the stronghold of Paul Bakri and his drug network of friends.
But after attending this week-long crusade, finally he made up his mind to change his course of life.
"I know it was not a good practice and today is the time God call me to leave everything and follow him. I am available to be the vessel for God to use me," Mr. Bakri said.
The community leaders were relieved because from these young men's behaviors, they face lots of law and order issues but now they believe that it's over.
Chairman of Nebilyer Crusade Daniel Berem also at the occasion thanked God that indeed his word has the power to change the entire Nebilyer and urged other young men to come out from their strongholds and accept Jesus because for Nebilyer to see change its only through the Word of God.
Meantime Western Highlands Police Sectoral Unit Commander Inspector Jacob Kumin thanked the Nebilyer Crusade Organizing Committee for the initiative taken.
"God can do somethings even the police cannot do. I appreciate the individuals for obeying God's word and surrender their lives," Inspector Kumin said.
The Nebilyer Crusade is an initiative organized by the Pastors of PNG Bible Church from Kamuga, Mt Hagen and Pabrapulg Districts. It's an annual event started in 2016 and this was the sixth Crusade this year 2024.