MVIL renews commitment to PNGRFL

Motor Vehicles Insurance Limited (MVIL) today renewed its commitment to Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League (PNGRFL) to continue investing in it's referees.
The total sponsorship package for this year is K500,000 00, giving MVIL the 'Naming Rights Sponsor' for the referees of the national rugby league completion.
This will cover match officials for all PNGRFL sanctioned tournaments such as the provincial championships, confederate championships, national championships, school championships and affiliates competitions (20 plus associations).
MVIL chief executive officer Michael Makap says they're pleased to enter into this agreement aimed to empower referees to officiate in confidence and without fear or favour, and also in capacity building through training and accreditation.
"This is very important considering the changes taking place to modernize the code," he said.
Mr Makap stressed that the match officials are the authority that should be accorded the highest respect in order for both the players and fans to enjoy the game.
He said the sponsorship was vital because of the roles referees play to ensure the rules are adhered to and arbitrate on matters arising during matches.
The match officials' uniforms will carry MVlL's branding and messages to assure vehicle owners and road-users the company's commitment of service to them through providing Compulsory Third Party [CTP] insurance for vehicle owners and compensation to claimants for death or injuries arising from motor vehicle accidents.
MVIL has supported PNGRFL since 2019 as the 'Naming Rights Sponsor' of the Digicel ExxonMobil Cup Referees.
Meanwhile, PNGRFL CEO Stanley Hondina acknowledged the support and said the bulk of the funds will be used to cover logistics support, capacity building and referee development activities.