Minister Paita kicks off UPNG SRC Easter 9’s

Monday, 1 April 2024, 4:29 pm

Rainbo Paita and SRC President Joel Rimbu talk to players during the official kickoff at UPNG VC oval (Solomon Sumb: NBC News)

Finance Minister Rainbo Paita kicked off the UPNG SRC Easter 9s finals today at VC Oval.

Top four teams, SHSS Arts Warriors, SNPS Spartans, SBA West Eagles and SM Titans made it into the finals.

Titans and Spartan go into the cup finals while Arts Warriors and West Eagles go head to head for the plate finals.

A total K20,000 will be given away to participating teams. 

Mr Paita will also become the 2024 UPNGRFL. Patron

He is the major sponsor of this tournament with a personal commitment of K50,000.