PNG SADO hopeful for significant outcomes in anti-doping compliance meeting

Wednesday, 19 March 2025, 2:26 pm

PNG SADO chairman Dr Sere Ugava (Image: Supplied)

The Papua New Guinea Anti-Doping Organization is hoping to achieve two important outcomes from the national compliance stakeholders meeting, currently underway in Port Moresby.

PNG SADO is the national body that coordinates and regulates all anti-doping programs relating to international sporting events, particularly with the doping tests.

Head of PNG SADO Dr Sere Ugava said the organization is also the focal point of compliance to the international compliance requirements.

“One of the most important convention outcomes that we are going to achieve today is that the UNESCO PNG will recognize Sports Ministry and the PNG Sports Foundation as the state party to the anti-doping convention,” he said.

In 2023, PNG was reported to be non-compliant to the anti-doping convention, putting country’s integrity at risk in international competitions.

Dr Ugava said this meeting is significant in achieving compliance in the right direction.

The representatives from different sporting codes and relevant stakeholders including PNG Customs, the pharmacy, medical board, police, and the narcotics bureau are engaged in the one-day workshop to address this critical gap.

“One of the most important aspects of this requirement is getting all the government stakeholders involved because of the requirements that each government is playing in achieving the results,” he said.

He said the second vital convention outcomes that is expected from today’s meet is for UNESCO PNG to recognize Sports Ministry and the PNG Sports Foundation as the state party to the anti-doping convention.

“It will now sit in its right place with the government agency and the state government assigned to the role of being within the compliance to the convention,” he said.

Dr Ugava also hopes to prioritize the surveillance of prohibited substances through the meeting and recommend ways on how to protect athletes' health in terms of the drugs that are involved and how to go about the safety and the health of everybody involved.