NGI police boss Vanuwaru asks ENB provincial government to consider entry by NID

Sunday, 16 March 2025, 12:29 pm

Kokopo Market in ENB. (Image: Kuri Images)

The assistant commissioner police for the New Guinea Islands Region, Naua Vanuwaru has requested the East New Britain provincial government to monitor the movement of people through the use of National Identification or NID Cards.

In a special law and order committee meeting recently, the NGI Divisional Police Commander told the committee members that through the use of the NID Card system, the current law and order situation can be managed.

ACP Wanuawaru says every entry points such as airports, wharves and highways must have a police check point where anyone travelling into the province must be checked.

The New Guinea Island police boss made the recommendations following the ongoing spike in law and order issues in the province.

ACP Wanuawaru said there has been a lot of money spent to fund special police operations with hopes to curb the ever increasing crime rate.

However, there seemed to be no improvements in the current state of law and order issues in the province.