Bulolo hospital receives K400,000 worth of medical supplies from BDDA

Tuesday, 4 March 2025, 4:38 pm

Bulolo District Administrator Joseph O' Brian Paru presenting the medical drugs to the District Health Manager Dr. Logan Yakam n OIC Bulolo Hospital Gerson Guambulek. (Image: Supplied)

Bulolo District Development Authority has presented K400,000 worth of medical supplies to the district’s main health facility, Bulolo Hospital.

District administrator Joseph O'Brian Paru when presenting the supplies to the largest hospital in the district indicated that another K300, 000 worth of supplies will be delivered to Mumeng (Timini and Wafi), Buang and Watut.

"We the BDDA will do on a quarterly or 6 months’ basis to supply drugs under the District Health Support Program," Paru said.

District Health Manager Dr. Logan Yakam and the staff of Bulolo hospital received the basic medical supplies today.

The hospital not only serves people within the Bulolo community but also caters for patients from from Wau/Waria, Mumeng and Watut.

It recently faced shortage of drugs due to lack of order of supply from the Area Medical Store.

Bulolo hospital staff with Bulolo DDA representatives. (Image: Supplied)

”Bulolo Hospital we are supplied order from AMS based on our target population for Bulolo urban catchment only but they see and treat patients coming from Wau/Waria, Mumeng and Watut,” he said.

“We also get patients from Kaintiba, Aseki and Kapao LLG. These people from outside of our catchment came here and added a burden to our little supplies, and it runs out faster than expected.

“For the long-term, when there is nil stock of commonly used drugs, they, in turn, make us use alternate treatments. Sometimes involve a combination of other drugs, and we end up using other drugs for treating other sicknesses and illnesses.

“Common medication shortage at the moment are commonly used antibiotics like amoxicillin capsules and suspension, flucloxacillin, panadol, chloramphenicol capsules and suspensions salbutamol tablets and spray, lignocaine’s.”