Buin Level 4 hospital groundbreaking ceremony set for next Tuesday

Thursday, 20 February 2025, 6:18 pm

South Bougainville MP Timothy Masiu. (Image: NBC News)

South Bougainville will witness a historic event next Tuesday, where a groundbreaking ceremony will mark the start of development for a Level 4 hospital for the region.

South Bougainville currently has a district health center in Buin Town with no doctors, forcing patients to make the long and tough journey each time into either Arawa or Buka to seek better or specialist medical service.

The Buin Level 4 hospital will be built at a cost of, K60 million jointly funded by the Australian Government and the Asian Development Bank, with additional support from the National Government.

The ground-breaking event has been deferred from last month, with the latest postponement just today to next Tuesday the 25th, after it was slated for Friday the 21st.

The Member for South Bougainville and Information Communication and Technology Minister, Timothy Masiu, says this is exciting news for the people, because building a hospital is a high-impact development that will touch lives.

Masiu told NBC Bougainville, that this key development in the health sector had been his focus since taking up office in 2016, and he’s breathing a sigh of relief, thankful to the donors, as well as support from the National and Autonomous Bougainville governments for assisting to see the project reach the final stage of being implemented.