Marape announces week-long haus krai for Sir J

Prime Minister James Marape this afternoon announced a week-long wake or hauskrai in Port Moresby tonight for one of the country's founding fathers and "father of the modern economy."
Mr. Marape said it is "with great sadness that he announced the passing of the last man standing, the generation of Papua New Guineans who birthed the country into independence."
He said while the late grand chief Sir Michael Somare may have been the father of the country, late Sir Julius is certainly the father of the modern economy.
The PM said the late Sir Julius conceived Kina and Toea and was the country's first finance minister and the country's second prime minister."
Mr. Marape announced a weeklong wake or haus krai will be held in Port Moresby tonight for New Ireland Governor, Sir Julius Chan.
He also announced that the launch of the country’s 50th anniversary celebration will be low key, due to Sir Julius’ death.
Sir Julius Chan passed away peacefully today at 12:30pm at his home in Huris, New Ireland Province, surrounded by his family and friends.
Affectionately known as “The Last Man Standing”, the 85-year-old passed away after a long illness leaving behind his wife, Lady Stella, their four children, Vanessa, Byron, Mark and Toea, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Sir Julius who was of mixed parentage New Ireland and Chinese, enjoyed a political career spanning more than 4 decades serving as Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, in the Opposition and various ministerial portfoilios and as Governor of New Ireland.
He was also known for championing the push for provincial autonomy.