Vabukori Village revive netball competition

Sports unites any community in Papua New Guinea and a village netball competition in Moresby South Electorate will certainly replicate it.
Vabukori Village in the nation’s capital has revive its community netball competition after two years.
Moresby South MP Justin Tkatchenko, during the launch of the Tainaladera Netball Competition last weekend acknowledged the determination of women in the community.
“We [district development authority] support these community initiatives [which provide] avenues to come together through sports or social events.”
Mr Tkatchenko said netball and other sports unites any community and committed his administration support behind the netball competition.
Association president Roselyn Maso said the competition have teams competing in the under-10, U15, U17, U21, masters’ division and the seniors.
“Ladies are strengthening sisterhood through this competition whilst growing their faith in children, youth and women’s ministry.”