Sakar clan urges Barrick to respond to their petition within seven days

Monday, 3 March 2025, 5:07 pm

Villagers of Sakar clan in Yunge Village of Lagaip District in Enga Province. (Image: NBC News / Emmanuel Eralia)

The Sakar clan in Yunge Village of Lagaip District in the Enga Province have agreed to free up the national highway following that conflict that arose in the Porgera Gold Mine yesterday.

A team led by Acting Provincial Police Commander [PPC], Chief Inspector Martin Kelei, Rural Commander Senior Inspector Richard Koki and members of the Mobile Squad [MS12] with support from members of Papua New Guinea Defence Force [PNGDF] led by OC Major James Kents met with the locals today.

According to local ward councilor, Piara Morope the shooting and wounding of 3 locals is their main concern the shooting and wounding of 3 locals is their main concern and they want the Barrick Niugini Ltd to clarify them within seven days.

"We accept the deaths of two locals who were shot and killed in the mine pit yesterday because we already singed an agreement not to enter the pit. What we are concerned about is why three locals have been shot and wounded outside of the mine?"

Chief Inspector Kelei urged the locals to free up the road and follow the proper channels to address their grievances. He also encouraged them to allow commuters to travel freely to conduct their daily businesses.

Meanwhile, they have agreed to free up the road which they have dug two holes measuring up to 6 feet for light vehicles to pass through.

They have also extended an appeal to Barrick Niugini Ltd and the Government to look into a petition that they presented on the 31st January regarding the burning of houses and properties by security personal in Kulapi and respond as a matter of urgency and within 7 days.