Stop sail order for Milne Bay province vessels

The current strong wind warnings generated by Tropical Cyclone Alfred have triggered a Stop-Sail Order for all local boats operating within Milne Bay waters.
They've been ordered to stay put or attract hefty penalty fines at this time.
Stop Sail Order issued by Milne Bay Provincial Transport Authority at the weekend will remain in place until an all clear has been determined by the National Weather Service and the National Disaster Center, both out of Port Moresby.
Manager MBPTA Wesley Katobwau confirms the Stop Sail Order was issued on Saturday and remains in place until later this week when the Cyclone is predicted to move away from Milne Bay waters.
Katobwau says the order comes with hefty penalties given they are not properly equipped at this time to respond to emergencies in such weather.
He tells NBC News they've been charging non-compliance a fine of K500 but at such a time where logic is needed, endangering the lives of others will see the maximum of a fine not exceeding K5000.
Seafarers have been warned to stay in Port until the weather improves.