Huon Gulf launches tranformative projects to bring service to people

The people of Huon Gulf in Morobe will now have access to vital government services following the launch of district's key projects.
Local MP Jason Peter presented new fleets and machineries, opened an electoral office space along with the newly refurbrished district headquarters in Lae.
Peter said these impact projects which will help bring service to the district were succesfully achieved at a total cost of K7 million.
"The main objective of having fleets and machineries is to build roads, which is a vital part of bringing service to the people," the Huon Gulf MP said during the launch.
"We haven't worked on any road so far, so those machines will start work from Mare village, Wanpit, and then from Irumu, Fayang, up at Siara, Fayang, Ngarumangki and to Tanam.
"All these are feeder roads for the district. We have the national, provincial roads and the district roads. These machines are obviously for the district roads, feeder roads construction."
The heavy earth equipment will be stationed at each Local Level Government in Salamaua, Morobe, and Wampar.
Amongst the fleets that were delivered includ two speed boats that will be anchored at the health facilities in Salamaua and Morobe LLG. The boats will assist the local health workers provide transport for their daily routine.
A district magazine was also launched, capturing the recent developments in Huon Gulf.
Peter said the total cost of the fleets and machineries was about K6m while the new building and a refurbishment to the HQ cost at K1m.
The Huon Gulf member officially launched the projects in the presence provincial government and administration representatives and the district development authority.