Turi: Alarming number of road accidents in NCD a concern

The National Capital District has seen a massive number of road accidents from November to December.
NCD/Central Commander Benjamin Turi is concerned about the alarming rate of road accidents during this peak period
Turi said there have been 176 road accidents in Port Moresby reported at NCD Traffic Police between November 1 and December 19, 2024.
Out of the total, 142 are minor injury cases with 21 hit and run incidents involving pedestrians and six vehicle damaged.
There were also 3 police vehicle accidents last month that led to the arrest of the Gordons Police Station Commander Senior Inspector Gabriel Kini.
Additionally, 23 individuals were arrested and charged with various traffic offenses.
Mr. Turi is calling on drivers in NCD and Central province to consider the lives of other innocent people when driving at high speed under the influence of alcohol.
“Those behind the wheels, you know that you have lives in your hands; drive slowly,” he said.
“Our roads are wet and slippery during this time of the year; vehicles with smooth tires should stay off the road or drive with caution.
“Drinking and driving is the worst one can do during this time when we have more people moving around.”
Meanwhile, police in NCD and Central Province will be out in full force, conducting roadblocks and doing random checks to ensure that drivers are following traffic rules and the vehicles are in good condition to be the road.
The public is also urged to call the police hotline number and report any drivers caught drinking and driving or driving recklessly.