NBC restored the original ‘Kundu Drum’ logo with modern look

The National Broadcasting Corporation of Papua New Guinea has announced the restoration of the logo which is the Kundu Drum but with a modern look.
The wave lines that make up the Kundu represents 22 provinces including National Capital District. It also symbolizes transmission waves which not only reflects NBC's core broadcast services but also represents the rolling mountains, hills and seas that surrounds us.
NBC Board Chairman Ian Tarutia said the Kundu was used back in the 1973.
Mr. Tarutia said over time it had different representations of the Bird of Paradise attached to it to signify NBC's status as at the most important state owned service provider.
He said in 2014 the rebrand exercise retained the Bird if Paradise but did away with iconic Kundu.
"Tonight we are restoring the Kundu as NBC Logo. The Kundu Drum is part of NBC's DNA and deeply embedded in our transition and custom.
"By reinstating this emblem in a modernized way is not only reconnecting with our roots and honoring the legacy of 1973 when the NBC first adopted the Kundu, we are focused on preparing for the future,"Tarutia said.
Minister for ICT Timothy Masiu said the re-branding is a way way foward for NBC.
He said the rebranding exercise depicted by the new logo reminds the people of PNG about the purpose of NBC, which is to connect PNG throughout the length and breadth of the country through trusted, reliable, and accessible broadcasting.