PNG’s first legislative drafting manual

Papua New Guinea for the first time has its own Legislative Drafting Manual that will guide the drafting of clear, understandable and workable laws for the country.
The manual is a culmination of countless hours of hard work, dedication and contribution by staff from the Office of First Legislative Counsel within the Department of Prime Minister & NEC.
The First Legislative Counsel Marleen Toliman Akop said it is indeed a memorable event to launch PNG’s first Legislative Drafting Manual.
Mrs Akop thanked the Commissioner of Revised Laws, Counsels, Lawyers and support staff of Office of First Legislative Counsel [OLC], who each committed to the noble cause of ensuring that our legislative drafting process is both effective and standardised.
“The launch is a significant milestone in our collective journey toward better governance and effective legislation. It marks not just the release of a Manual but the dawn of a new era in the way we approach the preparation of clear, understandable and workable laws.
“This manual is a culmination of countless hours of hard work, dedication, and contribution from the Commissioner, Counsels, Lawyers and support staff of OLC, each committed to the noble cause of ensuring that our legislative drafting process is both effective and standardised,’’ she said during the launching last Friday.
All the Commonwealth countries have been encouraged by the Commonwealth Association of Legislative Counsels to device their own Legislative Drafting Manuals, guidelines or handbook. All the other countries including the Pacific Island Countries own a Manual.
For Papua New Guinea, this is the first Legislative Drafting Manual, since the Office was established in 1972. The journey began in 2021 when Commissioner of Revised Laws Johnny Bogombari initiated the writing of this Manual. It took the OLC nearly three years to put together this Legislative Drafting Manual.
The First Legislative Counsel said Legislative drafting is no small task as it requires not just a profound understanding of legislative principles and techniques, but also an awareness of the societal context in which these laws will operate.