DLPP staff graduate from SILAG induction training

Last Friday, 15th November 2024, marked a significant milestone for over 120 staff of the Department of Lands and Physical Planning, as they completed their induction training at the Somare Institute of Leadership and Governance [SILAG].
The graduation ceremony, held at SILAG's campus, celebrated the dedication and hard work of the department's employees, as they were inducted into the Public Service, as Public Servants.
The weeklong induction training designed to equip participants with essential knowledge and skills included a comprehensive curriculum covering topics such as public service ethics, effective communication, and staff development, among others.
The induction training aimed to prepare the staff for the challenges and responsibilities they will encounter in their respective roles within the department, and the public service.
The graduation ceremony was attended by the Department of Lands and Physical Planning Secretary, Mr. Benjamin Samson, and senior officials, as well as representatives from SILAG.
Mr. Samson heaped praise on the graduates for their commitment to professional growth and emphasized the importance of the training in enhancing the department's overall effectiveness and service delivery.
Graduand Philan Gwand shared; "The induction training at SILAG has been an enlightening experience. We are now better equipped to serve our community and contribute meaningfully to the goals of the Department of Lands and Physical Planning."