Prayer should be the priority for Christians and churches to address lawlessness

Papua New Guinea Council of Churches [PNGCC] has expressed deep concern over the recent surge in killings and lawlessness attacks in the National Capital District.
PNGCC General Secretary Reverend Roger Joseph said churches are concerned about the troubling frequency of violent incidents just as the nation is preparing to celebrate its Golden Jubilee.
He said the power of prayer can change the course of this nation, and he urges all churches to continue to pray for the nation.
"I want to say this, what's happening, the context that surrounds us today is the context that must challenge the Churches to open their eyes and to look for ways and means to address these situations.
"We can not say this is evil coming in. No, this is a context that must challenge the churches to come up with strategies to address it."
The General Secretary said while seeing these events almost weekly is totally uncalled for.
"People who are sick in their mind, in their brains, they can not think logically, they can not think properly, only prayer and Word of God can transform their lives," Rev Roger said.
Meanwhile, the PNG Council of Churches has called for the enforcement of the Vagrancy Act.
General Secretary Reverend, Roger Joseph, says it’s about time. Members of Parliament seriously look into passing the Vagrancy Act.
"We want to make a call on behalf of the Churches to the Governor of NCD. I think it was last year that he was going to put together the Vagrancy Act. We call it again." he added.