K4 million needed for Mini Pacific Games

Team PNG Chef De Mission to the 2025 Mini Pacific Games Kinivanagi Karo, says the team will need K4 million to prepare and participate at Games this June in Palau.
The Trukai Fun Run and Prime Ministers Golf Challenge are two major fundraising drives Team PNG will utilize to raise funds.
The Trukai Fun Run is planned to be held in early June and the official launch of the shirts is planned to be done next month, February.
“So currently team PNG needs at least K4 million for games preparation and participation. This cost includes travel, insurance, uniforms, participation fees, events, medical screening and obviously per diems.
"Preparation costs for these games is approximately 1.5 million. So this is essential to ensure all participating teams and athletes are well prepared in advance prior to the actual game.
“So we plan to host the Trukai Fun Run in early June and the official shirts will be launched in February with sales continuing until Trukai Fun Run actually auctions in March.
"For the Prime Ministers Golf Challenge, the tentative dates for this fundraising event is planned for April both in Lae and Port Moresby," Karo said.
He also acknowledged Papua New Guinea Sports Foundation, Olympic Solidarity, Trukai Industries Limited, SP Brewery, ExxonMobil PNG, IBS University, Air Niugini, Coral Sea Hotels, Trophy Haus, The National, Vodafone PNG, Blue 7 Team, Theodist Limited, Australian High Commission and others for the continues support in team PNG.