PNGRFL to host its AGM next month

The Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League (PNGRFL) will conduct its 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Lae, Morobe next month according to the board.
The event slated for March 23 will see the election of the board chairman post and four confederate directors.
Chief executive officer Stanley Hondina advised that the 9th PNGRFL AGM schedule was the result of a decision made at the special general meeting of the PNGRFL last held in March 2023 in Port Moresby.
PNGRFL board chairman Sandis Tsaka said that the organization under the legal guidance of its lawyers, Bradshaw Lawyers, convened a special general meeting of the six (6) fully compliant leagues of 2022 and resolved to defer the 9th PNGRFL to this year in the spirit of good governance, allowing more members to properly affiliate and attend the PNGRFL AGM.
This was after the PNGRFL membership and competitions were drastically disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic from 2019 to 2021 and the National General Elections in 2022.
Tsaka added that the deferral was to allow the PNGRFL to revitalize its memberships and enable due process, guided by the PNGRFL’s constitution.
This decision has been vindicated by seeing fifty (50) Affiliate and Associate Leagues meet compliance requirements for the 2023 season and are able to attend the 9th PNGRFL AGM.
“From a good governance and international best practice point of view, it is important that the PNGRFL is finally able to convene its delayed AGM to maintain and ensure the integrity and stability of the PNGRFL and our national sport in general,” Tsaka said.
The elections of the PNGRFL board chairman and four confederate directors are held every three years.
Hondina said PNGRFL will be sharing information with compliant leagues of the due process of nominations and qualifications for intending candidates.
“The integrity of the election process is very important to ensure the legitimacy of the elected officials to hold office,” Hondina said.
“The PNGRFL must at all costs protect the integrity of these processes to ensure transparency and good governance.
“I have written to the Electoral Commission to observe the election process to ensure high standards and professionalism in its conduct.”
The 2023 AGM will include associate leagues and compliant associate and affiliate presidents.